Common Causes of Female Infertility

common causes female infertility

Infertility is most-commonly caused by problems with ovulation — the monthly release of an egg from the ovaries. But there are other causes of female infertility as well.

Insufficient Hormone Production occurs when ovaries and adrenal glands do not produce sufficient hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Additionally, the pituitary gland may not be producing sufficient Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH), Luteinizing Hormones (LH), or Thyroid Stimulation Hormones (TSH). Sufficient production of all of these is critical to support the healthy hormonal response needed to maximize a woman’s fertility potential.

Blood Sugar Support refers to the amount of glucose circulating in the body and the amount of glycogen being stored in the liver at any one time. For energy, cells need glucose, a byproduct of the digestion of carbohydrates. When there is insufficient glucose (hypoglycemia), a woman’s reproductive system does not have enough cellular energy to support a healthy fertility response. Too much glucose (hyperglycemia) contributes to being pre-diabetic or having type 2 diabetes and is a major factor in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is one of the major causes of infertility.

Hepatic Transformation refers to the liver’s ability to thoroughly excrete excess hormones and the byproducts of hormone metabolism. The liver regulates the balance of sex hormones, thyroid hormones, cortisone, and other adrenal hormones by transforming or removing any excess from the body. When the liver cannot do this properly, it can have a direct impact on the ability of a woman’s body to maximize her fertility potential.

Fatty Acid Balance has been demonstrated to have a direct impact on a woman’s reproductive health. Studies have shown that omega-3s may improve ovulation. Consumption of DHA fatty acids can contribute to an increase in progesterone, the hormone that regulates the condition of the lining of the uterus and is essential to pregnancy. DHA consumption may also decrease anovulation (the lack or absence of ovulation). Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish oil, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and eggs.

Healthy Gut Microbiome refers to the balance of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. These bacteria, yeasts, and viruses — about 100 trillion in all — are also called the “gut microbiota” or “gut flora.” Many of these microbes are beneficial for human health, and some are even essential. The healthy bacteria in the gut play an important role in maintaining a healthy and functional hormonal balance. A woman cannot maximize her fertility potential without a healthy gut microbiome.

Hormone Receptor Sites involve the binding of a receptor molecule to a specific hormone to stimulate the development and maintenance of the female reproductive system. The receptor molecule influences the hormone and impacts the way cells grow and function. In the uterus, for example, there are hormone receptors that expect to see estrogen and progesterone at very precise times during a woman’s reproductive cycle. When these receptor sites are blocked, the result is insufficient hormones to support a healthy pregnancy. Hormone receptor sites can become blocked as the result of exposure to chemicals in the environment that mimic the needed hormones, especially estrogen. One of the most common of these chemicals is Bisphenol A (BPA), which can be found in the polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins used in many food and beverage storage containers. But BPA is just one of hundreds of chemicals that mimic estrogen and directly interfere with estrogen receptors.

Female infertility can leave you feeling lonely and hopeless. Contact us today to consider a natural approach to fertility.